Sporadic blogging and tweeting…..

I feel that I need to in some way explain myself – for anyone who has in any interest in what I’m up to, why I keep disappearing under the radar, why my reviews keep going in fits and starts of late, etc….

Simple fact is:

A: There are just TOO many damn good books out there, not to mention the ones that are not so good, but I am in danger of death for standing close to any of the towering TBR piles, so am choosing to pace myself and pick the books that I genuinely have an interest in reading or anything new that I want to take a chance on, rather than feel like I’m on some constant conveyor belt based on publication dates, which has some weeks left me feeling somewhat like a drone – although I really take my hat off to those bloggers who are so more prolific and detailed in their reviews – I do NOT know how you guys keep up the pace.

B: In recent weeks I’ve been laid low with a number of health issues which, although sound like a great chance to sit in bed and read, have really knackered my concentration skills and attention span – I’m hoping they come back, along with a general improvement in ‘get-up-and-go.’

C: Life and work just generally leaping up constantly to alert me to fact that I do have a young family, stuff needs doing around the place and I am responsible for bringing in business to the company that I work for. Β The last few weeks with me being ill have clearly had an effect on business coming in, so that’s a big area of concentration right now.

D: My own want to write my own books has been seriously kicked into touch by the great opportunities that book blogging has given – this is something I really want to get back to, so am planning to take a longer break for the month of April to concentrate on knocking out a first draft (by way of a NaNoWriMo month for me whilst everyone else is busy on Script Frenzy) and then will return to reading and reviewing in May to see how awful my efforts are compared to the great reads I am sent by others….

All that said, I’m still about, although hiding in the shadows a bit more to be able to get stuff done.

So, there you go.

All best



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6 responses to “Sporadic blogging and tweeting…..

  1. I constantly feel like this. I too have decided to concentrate on the novel I am trying to write and only blogging and tweeting when I feel like it. We can’t do everything all the time. People keep telling me to relax and I say I haven’t got time to relax. This is silly. Good luck with the writing, really hope it goes well on your personal NaNoWriMo πŸ™‚

  2. if it’s any consolation, I feel think we all feel like this occasionally. It’s difficult to keep up in Twitter and the do the writing and make time for family. It’s easy to become overwhelmed. Those who manage it best are the ones who ‘hide in the shadows’ for a bit and I’ve done this too. No one minds … the people who matter don’t anyway. You’ll find they will still be here next week, next month, ready to welcome you. xx

  3. Good luck. Your blog is on my feed so I will know when you’re back.

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