GUN by Ray Banks

Don’t let the smiling face on his author profile pic fool ya.

Ray Banks means business and behind that smile is the mind of a writer who refuses to bow to what might be expected or considered the way to go about things.

I heard Ray speak at the Harrogate Crime Writing Festival and the thing that came across was that he will not allow his characters to get off light.  When they’re shot at, they leak blood, lots of blood.

When they get knocked down they get knocked down hard – sometimes so hard they don’t get up again.  If a Ray Banks’ character gets a beating, they take the result of that beating, whether it be in the form of a physical injury or a mental disturbance into the chapters and sometimes the books that follow.

GUN (available now for the crazy stupid price of 86p for your kindle via amazon) is a great way to experience all the action and the human drama that goes into one of his novels in a tight novella form.

The tale of a young man tasked with getting a gun and brining it back to a gangster could have been a pretty dull tale in the hands of a lesser writer.  With this being a Ray Banks story, you genuinely just do not know who will still be standing at the end of the tale.

So, go get yourself a GUN as a quickfire fix and then go seek out Ray’s novels for more dark, gritty and unflinching crime.

Ray Banks novels:

The Big Blind

Saturday’s Child

Donkey Punch

No More Heroes

Beast of Burden


Wolf Tickets



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